Thursday, September 25, 2008

More than one bank needed in todays economy!

Does your church have more than $100,000 deposited in a bank or investment account? With the current econimic crisis in America, it is important to remember that money should be insured in FDIC accounts and that no more than the maximum insurable of $100,000 be kept in any one account.

If your church has more than $100,000 - spread the money to other banks! Be sure to leave room for your interest earned to be safe when added with the total amount deposited.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Economic Storms and the church

How will churches across America deal with the reality of the economic turn down of America. Surely we realize that every family will be effected in some way or another. As leaders, it is easy to allow the uncertainty to change the vision and mission that God has given to His churches.

As we move through the waters of this quickly moving flood, there are some key issues of leadership that we need to understand and live by. The following is a good list to guide us all in helping during these trying times.

1. Keep the vision of reaching people at the forefront of all we do.
2. Teach people to rethink their priorities.
3. Teach the Biblical principles of Stewardship that are missing in our culture.
4. Lead by example in the church in keeping Missions a priority.
5. Be smart - a church that retreats is a church that dies.

Our ministries should be recession and depression proof. We as leaders make the difference!