Thursday, October 2, 2008

Economic Storms and Ministry

Today's economic climate is one that actually could benefit many churches in America. Over the past 10 - 15 years, the teaching of Stewardship has declined at an alarming rate. Fewer Pastors than ever have a teaching/preaching plan that includes Stewardship. As a result, tithing and giving are not part of many young Christians lives. They have been substituted with Debt and Frivolous Spending. How will those of us who lead people in the churches week after week respond to the new climate this will be around for a while?

First, teach Stewardship! If God is first, then our spending and managing of money should reveal this. For those who cling to the idea that "tithing" is for the Old Testament only, great! Teach new Testament Stewardship where the 10% was raised! The Bible is not silent about this subject and we as leaders must learn quickly to put our fears aside and teach the people that God has entrusted to our care the real answers to the needs in America - Great Stewardship!

Second, ministry needs are in need of changing! We must focus on "true" ministry that reaches people with the Gospel. Missions is a must. We must also insure that those things we fund are essential in growing disciples of Christ. I am a firm believer in churches leading the way in their budgets and spending plans. Drop the frivolous, and embrace that which is needed!

Third, focus on you can do things in a simple manner. Simple does not have to be "cheap" but it can be less expensive!

More next week!

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