Thursday, October 9, 2008

Navigating the Economic Storms of Life!

No doubt, everyone should realize that our world is encountering a change of epic size. The economies of the world are in deep trouble. People are in deep trouble at home. What can be done? How can we survive the change that is of itself, changing? For the next few posts, we will explore the basics that we as leaders can share with our people to assist them in functioning in these economic storms.

#1 - Simply our lives!
We all live more complex than needed. It appears that we have failed to realize that our complexity is one of the ingredients leading us to financial disaster. We each need to look at what we can cut from our expenditures. We need to take a serious look at it. Mow our own grass. Wash our own car. Cook our own food. Take our lunch to work and school. Have our children ride the bus. Iron our own clothes. Rediscover family time with games and walks in the park. Ride bikes! Get back to the simple things of life that do not cost!

#2 - Buy Smart!
Rather than buying new cars, figure out how to get more miles out of the cars we have. Don't fall for the "cheaper gas mileage" scam and take on a big car note just to save gas. Make the clothes you wear, last longer and forget about being "in style". Watch out for the sales! A sale may not be cheap enough for you to afford! Stay home on Tax Free weekends! If you must buy, buy two weeks after a Tax Free weekend when the items are on sale for 20% off - get the savings?

Stay tuned... More to come!

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