Friday, June 13, 2008

Lesson 2 of our Energy Crisis

Today I filled up a gas tank used to supply our lawnmower and weed eater. Shocking was the experience. Did you ever think it would take $15 to mow the grass and trim the walks and drive for a month? Welcome to 2008 and the high price of gasoline.

In our first lesson, we listed several things that we leaders can share with our people that will assist them in making wise choices concerning spending and stewardship. Today, we will highlight one thought that each in the list encompasses. It is the issue of our culture in America changing due to the energy crisis.

Culture changing is difficult. Money will however do more in this area than we ever imagined. With all the ills of our culture - many of them rooted in poor "culture driven habits" facilitated with poor stewardship, just maybe God is going to finally wake us up. What things in our lives are the most valuable? What is it we treasure more than anything?

We can lead our people in this prioritizing. In fact, as leaders we must. Our use of video messages and simple thoughts given verbally and in writing will help accomplish this. Plan these out this summer. As the price at the pump continues to rise, get a jump on this for your families before school begins in the fall.

It will also help your Finance/Stewardship teams in your ministry. Some Pastors are already nervous about budget planning for next year. Remember that the greatest thing you can do for your people is to teach and create an atmosphere of stewardship in their lives and in the life of your church. Our culture is changing! We can not afford to allow the ministry of the Gospel to suffer.

May God find us faithful in leading our people. It may just be the greatest gift we could have ever received. Stewardship is now in the forefront of every ones minds!

Remember, we are praying with and for you!

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