Saturday, December 12, 2009

Defining the Tithe

As discussion grows in modern times concerning the tithe, the definition of what actually was and is the tithe moves to the front of the arguments. There are those who would specify that the Old Testament tithe was restricted to items grown and raised. Some will say that it was "asset only" driven and that regardless of the mentions in the New Testament, it ended with the cross.

It is this position that reveals what a few call the New Covenant application. In this approach the tithe is out because the Law is out in the New Testament. After the cross, according to this thought, GRACE is the deal and thus giving the tithe is replaced with giving what ones decides due to our being under grace. Also out in this thought is giving to the church. The reasoning here is that the tithe, according to this thought, was specific for the law and the temple and the government and ... and does not thus apply to the New Testament Church.

As I have raised some questions previously, I feel it is important for us to understand the abuses that DO take place from many who teach the tithe is applicable today. It is these abuses that often cloud the issues and actually rally the cries for adopting a GRACE Giving approach (which I will define Biblically in another post).

The tithe is abused when:
  • Churches beat the people over the head
  • Churches spend money frivolously
  • Churches ignore the Biblical model for teaching and encouraging
  • Churches teach that one will prosper from giving the tithe
  • Churches make it a requirement of membership
  • Churches fail to do ministry and missions
  • The full teaching of Stewardship is ignored
  • Grace Giving is seldom emphasised and taught

These are just a few. Yet how does one answer the questions and challenge the issues? Defining the tithe must start with the Bible and it must stay with the Bible. Prosperity preachers and those who want to diminish the tithe will always bring the above into their defense of NOT tithing while ignoring that though abuses do occur, the Biblical model is NEVER subject to change due to culture or abuse.

And we will continue on with our study Monday...!

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