Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Tithe Today

The current debates relating to the tithe are focused on whether or not the tithe is part of the New Covenant or is it applicable today? Those who desire that the tithe be eliminated today always use the fact that it was limited to Old Law.

What many miss is the fact that no where was the tithe ever done away by Jesus himself nor is it fully understood as to how GRACE applies, thus fits within the total scriptural teaching of the tithe and stewardship. For those who have wondered when I would get around to scriptural application, we are here. This is actually my favorite part of the study. We will explore the New Testament model and see what is often omitted from the discussions of today.

We begin with the New Testament church as seen in the New Testament. We see Paul. A man sent out to share the Gospel. In fact repeatedly we read that Paul was supported, financially and prayerfully, by the churches. How was he supported by these churches if tithing/giving to the church was not taught and lived? In the letters that Paul wrote, he commended the churches for their giving (2 Cor 9:2 and 1 Cor 16: 1-4). The conclusion is thus simple, they collectively gave and the church then gave. In fact the church in Jerusalem was one of the benefactors of many churches giving.

How did the people give to the individual churches?

It is clear in the New Testament that GRACE raised "the bar" when it came to giving as a whole. It stands to reason that a person who was a recipient of the GRACE of God would out of love, devotion, and thanksgiving give far more than the tithe required under the law. It is here that the tithe is seen in the New Testament as a standard that acts as the starting point in our giving.

Giving to our churches is easily seen and cannot be ignored in the New Testament. The needs of people, poor and hungry, the spreading of the Gospel, the care of the servants, all are there. As mentioned in previous posts, the huge disagreements that are often mentioned relating to giving to local churches today are weak at best. Yes there are churches that are poorly handling the money that God's people give. Yes there are issues that each church must deal with. Those issues DO NOT lay the basis for one neglecting the giving to one's church. To do so is violate the whole of scripture.

The giving today of God's people should be far above the requirements of the tithe. The Bible is also very clear that churches who were in poverty gave out of their poverty and the blessings of God were seen. The joy and thanksgiving in our hearts should permeate our giving. And this giving should be done based on our first fruits.

And we will continue...

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