Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Questions on Tithing

No doubt that a subject like Stewardship would bring about questions and even some heated debate. One of the things that I hope this series does is to bring about a discussion when often in the past discussion was tough. The reality of the tie that Stewardship has with basic Bible doctrine has always intrigued me. Vigorous debates always flow from this discussion with Doctrinal issues spreading quickly into multiple areas.

Here are some questions that I think will highlight the challenge with this subject:

1. Was the tithe only for Israel?

2. Though much is said in the New Testament about giving and even some mentions of tithing, is it true that after the cross the tithe was to cease?

3. Does "grace giving" mean that NO standard of tithing exists?

4. How is it that there is so much confusion over the subject of tithing?

5. Why do things like adultery get certain treatment in the OT that tithing does not get?

6. Is there a Biblical Standard for those of us alive today in regards to tithing and giving?

The danger with a subject like tithing is that often people approach it from a position that they hold or would like to hold and thus they set out to prove their case. Some may even suggest that I could be approaching the subject from a "I believe it" position and thus that I am setting out to do the same. Before anyone jumps to conclusions I simply ask that you follow along and watch and read and pray! You just might be surprised in the whole of the series.


Unknown said...

Good questions! May I suggest two others? You"ll probably answer those with the other questions.

The first one is foundational in our understanding of the practice of tithing under the old covenant:

- Who was supposed to tithe under the old covenant. What did they tithe and where did their tithes go?

A related question but I think an important one:

- Were the poor required to tithe?

As caring for the poor is an important theme in the old and new testament this seems a question that should be asked. Out of my own experience I know of poor people who were pressured by their church to tithe even though that church didn't help them.

Tim G said...

Great questions. I will give you a little bit of information (do not want to spoil the series);

Why would a person not desire to tithe even if poor? And, do we have any examples of the poor doing so in the New Testament?